Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Risk: Metal Gear Solid

It's here!
Yoji Shinkawa artwork featured only on the limited edition!
I consider myself somewhat of a board game geek though I don't play very often and have not played some of the most popular board games out there like Settlers of Catan, Puerto Rico, Agricola, etc. There's just something about the tactile feel of moving pieces around, taking my time to strategize and kinda letting my imagination run wild that's just so much fun. I'm also a huge fan of the Metal Gear Solid series so when I heard from gaming blogs like Kotaku that they were making an MGS version of Risk, I just had to jump at the chance. Now I just need to find people who are willing to get together to actually play a game of Risk which probably takes longer to play than watching all the Metal Gear Solid 4 cut scenes back to back. Maybe the special rules for this version will result in a shorter play time similar to the Star Wars version of Risk I played a few months back. Won't know until I read the instructions but I think I'll keep it all wrapped up until I find some buddies willing to play.


  1. I'm always up for a game of Risk. Let me know the time and place, and I'll be there.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Awesome! I'll let you know when J-Dub. Hopefully some time soon.
